Vocational Training and Financial Literacy
Building the skillsneeded to escapedomestic abuse
Gaining economic independence from an abuser can mean the difference between staying in or leaving a violent relationship. L.I. Against Domestic Violence helps survivors of domestic violence gain the skills necessary to develop a strategy for becoming financially self-sufficient.
for more information on our Vocational Advocacy Program please contact our 24 hour hotline (631)666-8833
More than 1,300 survivors have obtained employment directly attributable to VAP since its inception in 1998.
More than 800 survivors have participated in and benefitted from our Financial Literacy services and workshops.
Vocational Advocacy Program (VAP)
Through the Vocational Advocacy Program, we provide services to help victims enhance their work skills to enter or re-enter the job market. VAP assists clients to identify their employment goals and achieve long-term employment.
Services are provided free and include:
- Individual career counseling
- Employment skills assessment
- On-site training in computer skills, resume writing and interview techniques
- Access to higher educational services
- Access training in specific skills and/or trades
- Job placement
- Household budgeting and other life skills
- How to negotiate the terms of employment with a potential employer
- Follow-up support services
Financial Literacy Program
Abusers often employ tactics to isolate victims from financial knowledge – such as preventing their partner from working or accessing a bank, credit card or transportation. Our Financial Literacy Program is designed to provide targeted tools and skills to remove financial barriers and plan for a safe and economically stable future.
We provide resources and skills through one-on-one planning and workshops covering topics such as basic budgeting, developing economic goals, banking and financial management.